OŚRODEK TU I TERAZ / WARSZTATY / April 2024 / 16.04.24


[FREE WEBINAR ONLINE] Introduction To Journey Of Souls By Michael Newton Practical Questions & Answers Regarding Workshops
Wt, 16. kwiecień 2024
Sanela Covic
April 2024


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During the webinar, we will learn what Journeys to Life Between Incarnations are. We will be able to ask the facilitator any questions about the Journey Between Incarnations, the Journey of Souls, regression, hypnosis and self-hypnosis. The facilitator will dispel all our doubts and concerns regarding practical participation in the workshops themselves (stationary and online) – about safety during the Journey Between Incarnations, concerns about whether we can, for example, get stuck between incarnations or fail to exit the state of self-hypnosis.

The webinar will not take the form of a lecture, but will be a Questions & Answers session.

Below are the most frequently asked questions:

Will I lose control of myself while in hypnotic trance?

  • You will be fully in control of yourself when you are in trance, still conscious, but your conscious mind will be deeply relaxed. You will be still aware of your surroundings, but your focus will be turned inwards, and tuned into your subconscious mind.

May it happen that I can’t come out of hypnosis?

  • Since you are always in control, you will be able to come out of the hypnotic state and become fully aware and alert. It is impossible for a person not to be able to come out of hypnosis, and that is because you are not unconscious.

Can I hypnotize myself?

  • Every hypnosis is self-hypnosis, and we go in and out of trance states many times during the day.
  • Self-hypnosis is a very good way of achieving deep states of relaxation, and can be used for a wide range of issues, e.g. weight loss, smoking cessation, to reduce anxiety, pain, etc.

Will I remember everything?

  • You will remember everything and be able to recall the experience and sensations after the session.

Is hypnosis safe?

  • Hypnosis is perfectly safe, since you are not unconscious and are in control of everything that goes on.





Today, the Michael Newton Institute (MNI), founded by Dr. Michael Newton, and our global network of over 200 LBL Facilitators hold his vision for humanity and carry on his passion for researching the Afterlife and bringing the evolving modality of LBL hypnotherapy to humanity.

The Institute offers access to LBL sessions for individuals all around the world. MNI members are a diverse group of over 200 individuals who offer LBL to clients in 40 countries and over 25 languages within their own practices. The Institute continues to explore the afterlife and conduct studies into the therapeutic benefits of LBL. The research is regularly published in quarterly journals and thriving social media discussion group has over 8,000 members who discuss the work of Dr Michael Newton, MNI and LBL every day. 

LBL Facilitators, and Members of the Michael Newton Institute (MNI) are dedicated and passionate about reawakening humanity’s connection to the unconditional love and wisdom of Spiritual Consciousness for healing and personal growth. They value trusting in the innate wisdom within everyone and All That Is, being compassionate to those they serve and each other. 



Dr Michael Newton was a highly acclaimed international spiritual regressionist, who discovered how to enable people to access the wisdom of the spirit world and their higher guidance whilst living their lives. His dedicated research over 30 years mapped for us all insight into our Life Between Lives (LBL)® as presented in his books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. This knowledge has brought healing and renewed life purpose to over a million people from all walks of life. His work continues to touch the lives of individuals and communities all around the world, through the sharing of the spiritually transformative experiences of LBL wisdom, the Michael Newton Institutes®LBL Training and the worldwide network of LBL Facilitators.

Dr. Michael Newton held a doctorate in Counselling Psychology, was a certified Master Hypnotherapist. He was also a practicing Psychologist who held positions in the faculty of higher educational institutions as a teacher in Los Angeles. In his lifetime he also spent time as a corporate consultant and worked as a behavioral counsellor and group therapy director for community mental health centers and spiritual renewal organizations in cooperation with hospital and social service agencies.

Michael had been skeptical about exploring the metaphysical, in fact, he originally refused repeatedly to undertake past life regression sessions which had become popular in the 50’s and 60’s in America. Little did he know at that time what life held for him…

Even with his original skeptical nature towards past lives and a personal atheist belief structure, his developing deep trance work with clients in his mid-adulthood lead him down a path of the accidental discovery of Life Between Lives (LBL) which was truly ground-breaking.

In the late 1960s, Michael treated a client for psychosomatic pain of the shoulder with traditional hypnotherapy. This man had sought hypnotherapy, having exhausted the medical model where they could find nothing wrong with him. In a deep trance state, Michael asked him to go to the source of his pain, assuming some form of unconsciousness trauma lay beneath the condition. The client landed in a scene from WW1 where he was being bayoneted in a trench during the Battle of the Somme. Michael asked all manner of questions about his unit, commanding officer and even the badges on his uniform, before desensitizing the pain and resolving the issue. The client went away bewildered, though healed. Michael, ever the researcher, wrote to the keepers of the War Records in London and confirmed the client’s story. It was a moment of deep significance and set him on the path.

In 1968, Michael had his first taste of the expanded LBL state, when he treated a woman with depression. Again, taking her to the source of her pain, she naturally flipped into the afterlife, a period in between her past lives and met her soul group there. Her profound experience of loneliness that had catalyzed as her depression, was resolved after this reunion. She remembered in her LBL leaving her soul friends behind to learn independence.

From his discovery of the healing that could be facilitated through deep spiritual regression, he developed over many years his own intensive age regression technique to effectively take hypnosis subjects beyond their past life memories, to a more expanded and meaningful soul experience between lives. It was to be over 25 years before Michael first shared his work with the world, having researched and assembled a model of the spiritual realm 7000 clients, spanning over 35 years.

After his first two books became best sellers, Michael was concerned that his work may be lost to the world after his passing. He wanted to pass on his legacy to the next generation of hypnotherapists and created Michael Newton Institute (MNI) to support this cause. 

In an address to the members of the Institute in 2011, Michael said:

I see our mission as twofold. First, through training and supporting our practitioners and secondly, to foster public awareness of the benefits we are able to offer people seeking to uncover spiritual knowledge within their own minds. Our movement is designed to help human beings mentally become whole by connecting with the essence of Oneness in the life between lives. Today, the earth is in an international crisis of nationalistic fundamentalism with militant states coupled with overpopulation around the world. I believe that much of the frustration of people living in a more stressful, technological and environmentally challenged world comes from not knowing their true identity of Self, or purpose. Many feel lost and disconnected. Our basic goal then is to help people move beyond the mindless strife in their physical existence to an inner peace through self-discovery.




Details of the workshop


  • 16th  April  2024 (Tuesday) at 8 pm – 9 pm CET



  • FREE !!!


  • Jacek Towalski, mobile phone: +48 602 219 382
  • Maja Wołosiewicz - Towalska, mobile phone: +48 606 994 366,
  • Office, mobile phone: +48 662 759 576
    e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.
  • Please register via email at:  Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. (giving your first and last name, phone number, the name and date of the workshop).


Sanela Covic


sanela covic

Sanela Covic  

Sanela is a passionate hypnotherapist, regression therapist, and executive, life and teams coach. She integrates many different modalities into her work and this integrative approach is what makes her sessions unique. She is Reiki Usui Master Teacher and Professional Reiki Therapist. She has served as Director of Strategy and Director of Membership at the Michael Newton Institute. Currently, she serves as MNI Advisory Council member for Europe.

She has always been aware of the impact of trauma on people’s lives and is dedicated to helping them overcome it and continue living the way they always wanted. She holds Self-knowledge and Soul Purpose retreats in Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany and other countries. Sanela delivers sessions in English, Spanish, Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian both face-to-face and online worldwide.

From a very young age, she knew that she wanted to help people achieve a balanced, happy and fulfilled life. She has a BA in Philology and is a Teacher of Croatian and German Language and Literature, Certified Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator Facilitator, Certified Life Between Lives® Facilitator, Quantum Consciousness Facilitator, IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists) Certified Hypnotherapist, Master Trainer Certified by IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists), Clinical Hypnosis Therapist, Life, Executive and Teams Coach, Licensed NLP Master Practitioner, Usui Reiki Master and Professional Reiki Therapist.

After a long career in translation and interpretation in organizations such as the UN and the EU, she decided to change the course of her life and come to Spain where she continues her professional and personal development. She has always been aware of the impact of trauma on people’s lives and is dedicated to helping them overcome it and continue living the way they always wanted.




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woj. warmińsko- mazurskie


Biuro ośrodka: +48 662 759 576
Biuro ośrodka: +48 535 285 450
Jacek Towalski: +48 602 219 382
Maja Wołosiewicz-Towalska: +48 606 994 366



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