Gopal and Ma Paritosh Mallika - Archiwum

Gopal and Ma Paritosh Mallika





Born in Italy, graduated in Shiatsu, Divine Healing and Meditation at the Osho Divine Healing Arts (O.D.H.A.) School, with Prashantam in Portugal, studied Tantra with Margot Anand in the SkyDancing Institute in France, and he is a SkyDancing Tantra Teacher in formation.

He is also a musician, experimenting and combining the Three Keys, Breathing, Movement and Sound with innovative and creative meditation techniques.

Working and living in Berlin, he facilitates Osho meditations,  trainings and workshops all

around Europe and Russia.


Ma Paritosh Mallika

Born in Argentina, she graduated in Philosophy at the National University of Buenos Aires and Piano and Music Education at the National Conservatory of Buenos Aires.

Her unstoppable curiosity led her to embark on an initiatory journey into her roots to learn first hand the spirituality, rituals and dances of the natives of South America.

She is a certified facilitator of active Osho Meditations, a poet, a musician and a Philosophy scholar researching in the areas of the Mayan Tzolkin, Ancient Tantric Philosophy and the relationship between Creativity, Art and Meditation.


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woj. warmińsko- mazurskie


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