Cristiano Martins and MarieClaire Martinez



cristiano martins

Cristiano Martins

Cristiano is a Biodanza (Rolando Toro System) Facilitator, certified by the Biodanza SRT School of Portugal and also a Didactic of the same System. He is part of the teaching staff at the Institute of Applied Psychology in the postgraduate course "Human Development and Therapy through Expressive Arts" and also collaborates with the Portuguese School of Biodanza in the accompaniment and supervision of students and new teachers. In the last few years he has dedicated himself to the creation of diverse signature workshops such as: "Roots in the Earth, Roots in Heaven"; "Chaos, Creativity and the Return of the Sacred"; "The Birth of the Cosmic Man"; "Under the Sign of Affection"; "Surrender to Love"; "Sacred Warrior"; "Ecstatic Lover"; "Mystic Magician"; "The King the Queen"; "Equinox and Solstice Celebrations" in Nature. Regular Didact In Berlin and Portugal; Also with agenda in Spain (Gran Canaria, Seville, Merida), France (Toulouse and Nantes), Montreal (Canada).

Born in 1979 in Freiburg im Braisgau, Germany, finally settled down in Oporto, Portugal. After graduating in clinical psycho-pedagogy, Cristiano was trained in Gestalt therapy; these tools permitted him to work during some years in the field of behavioural deviations. Simultaneously, he attended different theatrical and dance workshops.

Cristiano is one of the teaching staff at the Institute of Applied Psychology in the postgraduate course "Human Development and Therapy through Expressive Arts" and also collaborates with the Portuguese School of Biodanza through supervision of students and new teachers.

marceline martinez

MarieClaire Martinez

Passionate about movement, dance and humanity, MarieClaire has been a facilitator for 15 years and didactic for 7 years and trained in several extensions. Creator among others of the “Vivencial deepening Circle” and of the “Sundays of Great Permissions” she facilitates and teaches with love in Canada and in the world, Biodanza which as she says “more than a passion, is for me a tool of my lifestyle, a pillar of coherence, and the Guardian Angel of my love of life. ”

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