Santoshi and Oscar - Archiwum

Santoshi and Oscar



santoshi oscar

Santoshi i Oscar

Offer a Conscious Loving space for couples to dive deeper into intimacy.

Santoshi is an international Tantra teacher with more than 20 years of experience. She lived at the Osho Community in India for 12 years where she trained as a Tantra facilitator and retreat in the Himalayas to study Tibetan Tantra. She is the creator of the famous Ibiza Tantra Festival and the international tantra woman training.

Oscar studied Philosophy in Spain, and Psychology in California. He has worked in Switzerland, India and the US. and has a career of 28 years as a teacher, educator and tutor. He lives in Ibiza and teaches regularly adults and teenagers. He practices Yoga and Tantra since 2002.


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© - Ośrodek rozwoju osobistego i duchowego "TU i TERAZ" w Nowym Kawkowie.


Nowe Kawkowo 52 A, gmina Jonkowo 11-042
woj. warmińsko- mazurskie


Biuro ośrodka: +48 662 759 576
Biuro ośrodka: +48 535 285 450
Jacek Towalski: +48 602 219 382
Maja Wołosiewicz-Towalska: +48 606 994 366 

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