Arvick Baghramian - Archiwum

Arvick Baghramian



arvick baghramian

Arvick Baghramian

I am a psychotherapist, specializing in helping children and adults who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. It was working with these individuals that led me into shamanism and other healing techniques, which I have been teaching since the 1980s. Working with this particularly traumatized group of people made me realize that traditional, verbal therapies, while effective up to a certain point, have important shortcomings when it comes to helping people to fully heal past injuries and traumas, transform their lives and regain their power. In search of more powerful techniques, I took up Play Therapy, NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis, and then moved on to practicing and teaching Reiki, Conscious Breathing and the visualization technique of the Personal Totem Pole. However, it was in shamanism that I finally found my definitive professional home, marking the powerful transformative capacity of this spiritual and therapeutic practice.

I have trained extensively as a shamanic counsellor and teacher since the 1990s with Jonathan Horwitz at the Scandinavian Shamanism Research Center, as well as the Michael Harner Foundation for Shamanic Studies in the United States. I have been practicing and teaching shamanism around the world for the past 25 years, running workshops for practitioners and teachers in the UK, the USA, Israel, Poland, New Zealand, and Spain, where I also currently live. While I keep drawing on my past training as a therapist and continue working and running workshops in Reiki, Conscious Breathing and the Personal Totemic Pole, my practice is now primarily centered on shamanism and shamanic counselling.

In 2007, my book "The Magic of Shamanism" was published in English the UK. It is also available in print and ebook format in Spanish and in Polish.

I am also the author of the therapeutic game Revelations, designed to facilitate communication between children and parents, teachers or therapists in a fun and exciting way. The game is available in English, Spanish, Hebrew, and Polish.

You can find more information about me and my practice at:

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