David Thomson i Mattie Davis-Wolfe - Archiwum

David Thomson i Mattie Davis-Wolfe



Dr Mattie Davis-Wolfe

Mattie Davis-Wolfe, PhD, is an author, educator, counselor, and workshop leader whose teachings focus on multi-cultural shamanic wisdom and respect for self, each other, and the natural world. With her husband, Dr. David Thomson, she founded Sacred Circles Institute which offers workshops, retreats, and a two-year course in personal and spiritual development entitled Walking the Sacred Wheel. For over 30 years, Mattie has taught internationally about the sacredness of life through “spirit in action” workshops and gatherings. Using insights, traditional teachings, “practical shamanism,” and experiential exercises from many cultures, her work focuses on the 4 levels of being, – spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical and teaches students how to cleanse, heal, and integrate these 4 bodies for greater awareness, balance, and wholeness. Mattie’s power springs from a mixture unfamiliar to many in modern life: a rich women’s heritage; broad experiences; apprenticeship training; and a deep and tested faith in the sacredness of all life.

thomson david

Dr David Thomson

David Thomson, PhD, is a college counselor and professor of human development. He has also worked closely with traditional indigenous elders, healers, and ceremonial leaders from North and South America, Mexico, and Eastern Russia for over twenty years. He, and his wife Mattie, have been coming to Poland since 1994, leading workshops and wilderness encampments to help their students come into a deep and sentient relationship with the earth, themselves, and all life. (Please see the Naraka article??) In addition, David has led countless workshops and seminars for men, assisting them in becoming who they truly are at the core of their being.

“It’s time to care; it’s time to take responsibility; it’s time to lead; it’s time for a change; it’s time to be true to our greatest self; it’s time to stop blaming others.”
- Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

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