OŚRODEK TU I TERAZ / WARSZTATY / February 2023 / 27.02.23


Tantric-Shamanic Alchemy Series Online Session 03 7 Stages Of Spiritual Alchemy – Stage 1: Calcination Awakening The Healing Power Of The Tantric Shaman, [ONLINE]
Pn, 27. luty 2023
Anand Rudra
February 2023


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These free online series (of 20 webinars) are with the target that you start to understand how to the process inner alchemy works for tantra & shamanism and how you can apply to yourself and your healing process.

These series of online lessons will have the purpose to introduce to you in what we do in our trainings and part of what we do in our Awakening the Power of the Tantra-Shaman that are courses that we do in Warsaw and other cities of Poland and Europe.

Contrary to common belief Alchemy is a philosophical and proto-scientific tradition practiced and methodological structured in India, China, Tibet, Egypt, America and Europe.

Tantra has a complete formal ancestral medicine that is called Siddha Medicine and Shamanism gave basis to herbal treatments and Homeopathic Medicine.

As you know Tantra & Shamanism are interconnected since one of the principles is to guide humanity to understand who we are and where we are going. There is a clear understanding and derivate from one of the 7 universal principles “As above, as below” for Tantra and Shamanism that we have a complete Universe inside us. In Shamanism we resonate with the basic elementals that gives life to everything and everyone. Fire, water, air, earth and ether; the same is applied to Tantra and Taoistic arts.

In Tantra, we understand that life force energy moves in a Subtle System which is connected to our Psyche, behavior , biology and most of it to the development of us as human beings and our spiritual journey. Chakras, nadis, talas, marmas and grantis are the structure with in our body.


Both, Shamanism & Tantra, recognize that our body has an intrinsic manifestation of our own existence in different layers that are called the bodies. Physical; energetical; emotional (mind) ; causal (Spirit & Soul) ; and Esoterical (Psychic).

Tantra and shamanism, are connected to these structures with the target to alleviate, unblock, restore, transmute different aspect of our existence: from physical issues, to emotional or spiritual.

So what is alchemy? The very simplest answer is: alchemy is the art of transformation. Paracelsus, probably the most important and consistent philosopher in the history of the alchemic tradition put it this way: “Alchemy is the art that separates what is useful from what is not by transforming it into its ultimate matter and essence.”


When we change the vibrational frequency within the structure of a substance or system via shamanic alchemy, it changes into a new form. For our purposes, we could say that we are here engaged in the art of transformation through the discipline of mind, matter, behaviour and spirit.


Spiritual alchemy is an ancient occult practice that seeks to liberate the soul from its attachment to matter. Spiritual alchemy, then, is an ancient philosophy that uses the metaphor of transforming metals into gold for attaining spiritual enlightenment.

The personality contains the inauthentic part of the self, including one’s beliefs, concepts, opinions, wounds, fears, and phobias. In this way, the transmutation of lead into gold functions as a metaphor for the process of self-actualization and spiritual rebirth.



Calcination, the first stage of spiritual alchemy, is also known as the black stage. The colour black represents chaos, that which is hidden and buried, and the material of the unconscious. It also refers to the Materia Prima, which is the idea in occult sciences that all matter in the universe emerged from an original, primitive base.

Calcination refers to the burning of the Materia Prima until it is transformed into ash. In a spiritual sense, it refers to breaking with our worldly attachments, the desire for status, wealth, and the need to solidify our identity. It’s not to say these things are wrong, but according to the process, the development of a higher level of consciousness and the refinement of the spirit is hindered by these attachments.

Calcination also refers to the burning off of all of the superfluous elements of ourselves that no longer serve us. We are purified by fire, and the hardened and dead parts of ourselves have burned away. All that has calcified in ourselves is removed in a similar way to how hardened plaque build-up on teeth can be removed. Our preconceived notions about our identity and our beliefs are put to the test in the calcination stage. Our ideologies and neuroses begin to lessen their grip on the persona, enabling one’s true spirit to awaken.

YOU will need to bring : Piece of paper and a pen, Essential oil, Sarong, Water, Plate, Candle.



  • 27 of February 2023 (Monday)

  • at 7:30 pm

  • at 8:30 pm



  • FREE!
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  2. After receiving the confirmation email you will receive the link to the webinar on ZOOM.


Anand Rudra


 Anad Rudra

Anand Rudra

Anand was raised in a Shamanic and Mexican esoterical culture by a father (Mexican Spirita and Shaman) and by the grandmother (Yaqui Mexican Medical Woman) Since he was young, he was attracted to the esoterical world.

As a hobby, he has been studying tarot, psychomagic, symbology, ritualism, tantra, sacred geometry, and shamanism.

He is an International Relations Lawyer; holds three masters degrees in North American Studies; Relations Mexico-USA; Law Economics of European Union. And a Ph.D. in Security Studies of European Union. For the last 15 years, he has been living in Europe where he has designed over 150 different workshops on Tantra Sacred Sexuality. He is known a specialist on Men´s Sacred Sexuality and part of the Faculty of the Connection University in The Netherlands. He is also a Certified Yoga Alliance Teacher, YACEP and Arhanta Yoga School System.

His life experience includes:

  • Symbolism and Ritualism of North America
  • Tantric Rituals and their influence on Modern Society
  • Esoteric and Hermeneutical Studies Specialization on Tantra Rituals and Energies of the Body
  • Deep training on Tantra Meditation
  • Synergetic Tantra Massage, Professional Training
  • Prana Healing Techniques
  • One Year Tantra Training Residential Course
  • Academic Research on Tantra conducted with Alegraluz and Bindu
  • Tantra Independent Masseur and Therapist
  • Tantra Masseur, Therapist and Business Developer with Alegraluz International
  • Tantrika for more than 8 years; for the last 6 years director of 3 main projects: Bindu Center, Kinnara Center and TrueTantra
  • Director of EATP (European Association of Tantra Professionals)
  • Designed and crafted according to Agama Books and Kaula tradition:
    - Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga Practice
    - True Tantra Methodology Practice



Anand Rudra Combines In His Teaching:

  • Practice of the ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga (according to the tradition of the holy Agama Books and Tantra Kaula Yoga)
  • True Tantra School methodology
  • Tantric Shamanism, symbolism and ritualism of North America
  • Theory of Tantric-Shamanic Resonance

True Tantra School

True Tantra follows an ancient school methodology in which five tools that are independent but at the same time complementary one from another are the base of this practice.

When you learn Tantra, you need to see and practice all the aspect that will help you to become a professional on it.

  • Swahara Yoga (Pranayama Science);
  • Meditation (Use of your mental intention and the no-meditation approach);
  • Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga; the ritualistic as a method of moving energy and meditate (yantras and mantras);
  • Sacred Sexuality ( Sacred Union and Sacred Conscious Touch).

True Tantra had become one of the first Tantra institutions within Spain and part of Europe to give a real methodology to a Tantra Session. All this professional effort has become in order to build a group of masseurs, therapists , tantra monitors, Tantrikas (Docents) , Monitors of Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga and Teachers on Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga. Every person listed with us has the perfect knowledge on the guidelines, methods, ethical values and professionality that True Tantra has conformed. Every professional has to pass different oral and practical examinations and renew their knowledge every year not only to show what they have learned but to acquire more methods and go deep in the Tantra practice.

Website: www.truetantra.eu


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